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Overview for BleService


Represents a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) service.

In the BLE protocol, services encapsulate one or more characteristics that contain data provided by the peripheral device. Each service has a universally unique identifier (UUID) and contains a collection of [BleCharacteristic] instances which detail the properties and permissions of each characteristic.


  • serviceUuid: String The universally unique identifier (UUID) for the service.

  • characteristics: List<BleCharacteristic> A list of [BleCharacteristic] objects that belong to this service.

Each [BleCharacteristic] encapsulates the UUID, properties, and permissions of a particular characteristic within this service.


Unnamed Constructor

Creates a [BleService] instance.

Requires [serviceUuid] and a list of [characteristics] to initialize.


Constructs a [BleService] from a map.

The map should contain a 'serviceUuid' key for the UUID of the service and a 'characteristics' key containing a list of maps, each of which can be used to initialize a [BleCharacteristic] instance.


  • map: Map<String, dynamic>