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Overview for BleCharacteristicValue


Represents the value of a Bluetooth characteristic.

This class encapsulates the value of a specific Bluetooth characteristic fetched from a connected device. The value is typically a list of integers, representing bytes of data from the characteristic.

Along with the value, the class provides details about the characteristic's UUID and the Bluetooth device's address from which the value was read.

Instances of this class can be used to easily manage, display, or process the characteristic values in your application.


BleCharacteristicValue charValue = await readCharacteristic(address, characteristicUuid, timeout);
print(charValue.characteristicUuid); // prints UUID of the characteristic
print(charValue.deviceAddress); // prints address of the device
print(charValue.value); // prints the actual value of the characteristic


  • characteristicUuid: String The UUID of the Bluetooth characteristic.

This UUID uniquely identifies the characteristic from which the value has been read. It can be used to differentiate values if you're working with multiple characteristics.

  • deviceAddress: String The MAC address of the Bluetooth device.

This address uniquely identifies the Bluetooth device from which the value was read. This is especially useful if your application is communicating with multiple devices simultaneously.

  • value: List<int> The actual value of the characteristic.

This is a list of integers, where each integer represents a byte of data rom the characteristic. The structure and meaning of this data is typically defined by the Bluetooth service specification to which the characteristic belongs.


Unnamed Constructor

Constructs a new instance of [BleCharacteristicValue].

Requires the [characteristicUuid], [deviceAddress], and [value] to initialize the instance. Each of these parameters should be fetched from the connected Bluetooth device when reading the characteristic.


Factory constructor that creates an instance of [BleCharacteristicValue] from a map. This is typically used to convert data coming from the platform side using methods provided by the flutter_splendid_ble plugin.

The map is expected to have the keys 'characteristicUuid', 'deviceAddress', and 'value'.


final mapData = {
'characteristicUuid': 'some-uuid',
'deviceAddress': '00:1A:7D:DA:71:11',
'value': [10, 20, 30],
final charValue = BleCharacteristicValue.fromMap(mapData);
print(charValue.characteristicUuid); // prints 'some-uuid'


  • map: Map<dynamic, dynamic>