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Overview for DeviceDetailsRoute


Displays information about a [BleDevice] selected from the Bluetooth scan and provides controls for doing stuff to it.

When this screen is initially loaded, resulting from navigation from the [ScanRoute], the Bluetooth device will most likely not be connected to the host mobile device. So, the screen initially presents preliminary information about the Bluetooth peripheral and a button that can be used to begin the connection process.

Once a connection to the peripheral is established, this screen presents a button that can be used to perform service and characteristic discovery on the module. The flutter_ble library also offers the ability to perform service an characteristic discovery automatically after a connection is established using a boolean in the connect method.


  • StatefulWidget


  • device: BleDevice A [BleDevice] instance selected from the Bluetooth scan. Details and controls for this device will be presented by this route.


Unnamed Constructor

Creates an instance of [DeviceDetailsRoute].