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Overview for CharacteristicInteractionRoute


Provides an interface for interacting with a [BleCharacteristic].

Depending upon the properties of the provided [BleCharacteristic], this route can be used to write values to and/or read values from the characteristic. The interface resembles a chat interface, with messages sent to the Bluetooth device displayed on the right side of the interface and messages read from the device displayed on the left.

For Bluetooth characteristics that only have read properties (whether encrypted or unencrypted), the UI element used to input messages to be sent to the Bluetooth characteristic is hidden. This interface is displayed for characteristics that have write (again whether encrypted or unencrypted) properties.


  • StatefulWidget


  • device: BleDevice The [BleDevice] with which the app will communicate in this route.

  • characteristic: BleCharacteristic The Bluetooth characteristic with which this route will interact.


Unnamed Constructor

Creates an instance of [CharacteristicInteractionRoute].